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AAW Control Systems
Industrial Temperature Monitoring Specialists

Products and Services
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Products and Services

The AAW Control Systems product range is ideal for use within a wide range of industrial sectors.

Our industrial temperature and control systems provide the perfect solution for refrigeration and oven systems and are widely used within the food retail industry, food processing industry and pharmaceutical industry.

Our products include:

webREACT - monitoring and Control System, designed to cater for the smallest corner shop up to the largest multi site processing industry, from a basic 4 points up to 10,000 points.

RIOT Station - an entry level alarm monitoring system, where compliance with Food Hygiene Regulations is to be demonstrated.

RIOT - a remote input output transceiver providing reliable interfaces to sensors and controllers.

Sensors - AAW can supply a wide range of sensors used within the Food Retail, Processing and Pharmaceutical industries.

Radio - A wireless Master and Slave monitoring and control system.

Our Services include:

Calibration - on site test and traceable calibrations for all your Temperature, Pressure, Gas, Power, etc. monitoring systems.

Woodley Electronics Maintenance - maintenance, servicing, calibration and repair of Woodley Electronics systems and products.